Have you ever wanted something so much that you were prepared to get yourself and all your family up before dawn and walk 14 miles, then walk 14 miles back again, arriving home well after dark? And then, have you wanted it so much that you were prepared to do it every Sunday, on probably your only day off in the week?

Even the most ardent car booters would be pushed to last out that long! However, that’s exactly what several families from the little village of Ringstead did way back in the 17th

In 1662, Parliament passed the Act of Uniformity in which Charles II tried to impose strict regulations on the clergy. However, many vicars, including that of Ringstead, refused to adhere to the new rules as they went against their own Christian beliefs. Because of this, they were ejected from their posts and their homes leaving no one to preach. With many of the congregation illiterate there was no way for them to learn from the Bible unless someone more
learned could tell them about it.

This is how one dissenting minister started to preach at a non-conformist gathering in Rothwell. There was no A14 in those days, so the journey had to be done on foot. It was from this committed band that a Baptist church was eventually founded in the village of Ringstead on 15th July 1714. The 43 members met at first in a borrowed barn until they were able to build a chapel.

It is this same chapel that many people in Ringstead still hold dear and attend today. To celebrate 300 years of Christian witness there will be a re-enactment of the journey from Ringstead to Rothwell on Saturday 17th May. Anyone is invited to join in and the walk will be followed by a short service and tea.

A special celebration service will be held at Ringstead Shared Church on Saturday 12th July, again all are welcome. Also in July, on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th, the church will be packed with unique displays as a flower festival seeks to depict “300 years of history in flowers”.

For other events or more details see events listings or the church website:

Ringstead Shared Church - 300th Anniversary

Ringstead Shared Church - 300th Anniversary

Ringstead Shared Church - 300th Anniversary