
Grafton Underwood resident, Jo Hawkins is the founder of EquATA, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping adults and children suffering from all sorts of emotional, mental and behavioral problems, including children with autism.  An accident over 20 years ago was the first step towards EquATA: Jo was so severely injured that many people thought she was not going to pull through and she puts down her miraculous recovery to a series of equestrian therapies she received while going through the healing process. 

For Jo, horses have an almost spiritual ability to mirror human emotions and it is this innate ability that she believes helped her heal over time.   Never one to shy from a challenge and with a desire to help people with similar issues, Jo set up EquATA in 2009. 

Jo is now practicing an alternative ther-apy using her beloved horses called The Horseboy Method ™.   This particular method was the brain child of a US father called Rupert Issacsons, who had struggled with the challenges of communicating with his autistic child, Rowan.  He found that when his son was placed on a horse, he suddenly became more responsive.   Rupert wrote a book and there is also a film about his experiences.  Together with several dedicated professionals and further training from Gillian Naysmith, Founder of Horse Boy UK ™, the EquATA team is now able to offer this fantastic therapy to families.  There are three fully qualified team members who are certified in The Horseby Method ™, as well as eight horses, staff and volunteers who are all passionate about EquATA and helping people overcome, what can be, debilitating communication barriers. 

Jo cannot stress enough how rewarding it is to suddenly see a child open up after living in their own silent world; it is a magical experience for them and their families.  Never give up, because there is always a way.  A case story from a mother, summarized below, explains how EquATA changed the negative course of a teenage daughter’s life:

 “The relationship between me and my daughter had always been tricky.  Communication between us was never easy; more often than not we caused each other confusion, resulting in many misunderstandings and frequent upsets. 

As my daughter neared 11 years old I noticed that communication between us was getting worse; by the age of twelve, she could no longer understand the need for simple rules and boundaries and began to react very badly against everything.  As things became worse I sought help from many services but felt that I was not really taken seriously and I reached a point where I did not know what to think or feel any more and did not know where to turn to for help. 

Eventually my fears became reality: my daughter was physically and mentally assaulted and suffered post traumatic stress as a result.  I wanted to comfort her and say and do all the right things but still we struggled. We moved away from the area but, although she was now safe, she no longer interacted with anyone outside of our home and could not attend school.  Shortly after, at 14 years old, she was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, extremely withdrawn and with very little self esteem or confidence.

The only consistent interest Lisa had was animals and, on many occasions, she had asked if she could have horse riding lessons.
I eventually came across EquATA who were offering an afternoon of riding and close contact with their horses, with no pressure or expectations of us.

Within a few minutes of arriving at EquATA, Lisa was stroking and brushing Known, an ex cavalry horse aptly described as a gentle giant.  As time went on she felt confident enough to sit on him without a saddle and liked the feel and warmth of his skin.  The session progressed at a very gentle pace and ended with a beautiful ride through the woods.  For the first time in a very long time I saw my daughter relax and become ‘in tune’ with the horses and the whole environment.

I find it very difficult to describe adequately in words that first session and all sessions since.  Many words come to mind, but do not do justice to the whole feeling experienced; we now attend each week.  Sessions for us are a combination of sensory work, riding and education, tailored specifically for our needs.  This kind of approach within a safe and caring environment enables my daughter to truly be herself and, as a result, she is developing into a confident and trusting young lady who is progressing socially, emotionally and educationally.  I truly believe the whole approach is so successful for us due to the enormous effort, determination, understanding and kindness of Jo and Ellie and everyone that is a part of EquATA.  EquATA is the only place where we can enjoy, experience, learn and grow and more importantly for us, heal together as a family. 

Our relationship has improved so much that we are able to make decisions and changes, with confidence, which we did not think possible for a very long time.  My daughter has attended her first day at college after being out of school for 2½ years and is looking forward to working with her passion (horses) in the future.  I am also looking forward to following a passion in cooking.  None of this would have been possible before coming to EquATA”.

As a not-for-profit organization, EquATA would appreciate any offers of sponsorship to help fund the therapies provided.  If you can help or wish to learn more about the sessions with horses, please contact the team on the details below.

EquATA Ltd

Equine Assisted Therapy Association
Grafton Park Lodge, Grafton Underwood, NN14 3AE
Tel: 01536 330533
Mobile: 07875 798 853
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




