Dear Reader

So autumn is approaching after yet another wonderful summer.  This year has just flown by, but hopefully you would have had a chance to rest and reflect over the holidays, feeling invigorated and ready for what lies ahead?

I often find this season marks more of a change than the New Year.  Many of us will be facing new beginnings in education or at work, some leaving home to go to pastures new.  Our own family dynamics will certainly change as our youngest leaves home - the nest that once held three now emptying out for good.  The Dalai Lama wisely said: “give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back and reason to stay”.  This is the circle of life and, no doubt, exciting adventures wait just around the corner...

Those who may wish to embrace new challenges will find plenty of inspiration in the pages ahead.  Husband and wife teams: Saxby’s Cider, pages 8-9, and Doorstep Baking, page 36, have followed their dreams setting up their own businesses and are now finalists in a local food and drink award competition.  In this issue, you can learn about adult education courses, craft classes and volunteering opportunities for charities such as Beanstalk, page 80, and Home-Start, page 102.

There are still plenty of outdoor events taking place in our area, music and beer festivals, some combined with family camping.  A joint motor racing and rock weekend will take place at Rockingham, pages 14-15, and there are three routes to follow on The Great Gorilla Ride, page 52.  Apple days, conker championships and spooky events to take part in before we commit ourselves to activities indoors and, even then, you will find plenty of literary, musical and theatrical events to enjoy as well as trips to a cinema near you.

An Indian summer may still be in store for us over the coming months and I shall then look forward to long walks under clear blue skies through crunchy leaves in hues of red and yellow - pure autumn glory!







Vivi Sant Cole

Village Connect

Hillcrest House

Church Hill



NN14 1AH

Tel: 01536 744700