
Local author, Val Hilditch, has recently discovered the joy of receiving her fi rst book back from the publishers, thanks to the hard work of canine companion, Sealyham Terrier, Brock.

“The Book of Brock” is a heartwarming, often hilarious, diary of Brock’s early years, seen through the eyes of this mischievous, larger than life, canine personality.

Having been a well known face in Thrapston for over 45 years while working at the local GP surgery, Val lost her Scottie dog, Angus, during the fi rst Covid lockdown, leaving her with Miss Ziggy Stardust, a 3 year old baby Russian tortoise for company. Missing the patter of paws, she fell in love with Brock when seen on a video link, before he had even opened his eyes.

Brock is a Sealyham Terrier, a breed affectionately known as The Clown of the Terrier Group and true to form, he makes Val laugh every day; everybody loves Brock!

Val explains her motive for writing the book was curiosity; “How would the world look through a dog’s eyes? Especially one who is not very tall! I thought writing this might bring a smile to people’s faces. What started with posts on the Sealyham Appreciation Society Facebook page of Brock’s daily antics has grown massively and following the feedback I received, I wondered if I could ever write a book – and here it is; The Book of Brock.”

For those eager to fi nd out more about Brock’s antics, “The Book of Brock” is available on Amazon, RRP £18.99 

The Book of Brock