
I ’ve always loved the idea of growing vegetables. Going out into the garden and bringing something back, makes me feel good. But the reality is that vegetables are time consuming, and time is in short supply in my house. So how do I get that connection with the earth but on a part-time basis? The answer is herbs.

Herbs are the perfect crop for the ‘domestic, time-poor, farmer’. They look good, they smell good, they taste good; what’s not to like! But crucially they’re available ‘on tap’ all year round. Potatoes or peas by contrast must be harvested when they are ready – which means you have to fi t their timetable.

Growing your own also means you’ll never have to watch your supermarket pot of herbs gradually die on the windowsill. Have you ever questioned why those pots have a sell by date? They’re living things; how does the supermarket know when they are going to die? Look carefully and you’ll notice there are too many plants all fi ghting for space in a tiny pot. After a couple of weeks, they start elbowing each other in the ribs and keel over.

Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Fennel, Bay all prefer the sun. While Parsley, Chives, Coriander, Dill and Sorrel can be grown in shade. Plant them now while the soil is still warm.

If you’d like a friendly garden doctor to help you email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Herbs by Nick Turrell