


Happy New Year to you from us all at Bosworth’s. Many of us start the year with good intentions and New Year’s resolutions, perhaps joining a gym to work off some of that Christmas excess, only for a few weeks down the line to fi nd a convenient excuse to put off going.

But getting out into the garden and nature can also give that boost to our health. First of all to our mental wellbeing, which has been tested over the last couple of years with lockdown after lockdown, worry and uncertainty. It is now well documented being outside in nature can make a big difference on our mental health.

Getting outside helps boost our vitamin D levels which is important to our immune systems – helpful for fi ghting off the winter bugs. We need sunlight to produce vitamin D which is easier in the summer, of course, but there are still plenty of sunny days in the winter months. Sunlight also helps keep our serotonin levels up, which helps reduce anxiety and raise our mood.

The Japanese Shinrin Yoku or Forest Bathing is something you may have heard of. Not as bizzare as taking a bath in a forest , but a practice of observing nature, deep breathing and opening your senses to the natural surroundings around you. A form of mindfulness developed in the 1980’s in Japan; another practice to awaken the senses and boost wellbeing both physical and mental. Our part of the world has some beautiful walks amongst the trees and by water. It is amazing what is right on our doorsteps, something many of us found during the lockdowns when we had to stay local for our exercise. Best of all, getting out side doesn’t need a monthly subscription or commitment, no expensive gym wear or kit, just wrap up in the cold.

So back to our own gardens and outside spaces and even during the coldest months of the winter, there is plenty to be done to enable us to be outside. It’s a good time to check fences and plant stakes and ties, repairing where necessary; easier at this time of year as the plants have less foliage making it more accessible. We are most likely to see snow at this time of the year. Try to stay off the lawn in sharp frosts and snowfall as this can damage the grass underneath. Any snowfall should be knocked off shrubs and hedging to avoid damage and deforming a hedge.

Garden birds could do with a little extra help at this time of year. Make sure any feeders you have a regularly cleaned before topping back up. This time of year the birds benefi t from high energy foods such a fat balls. Ensure bird baths are not frozen over with ice so they can take a drink. One of the birds most associated with our winters is the robin; depicted on many Christmas cards, it has been voted the National Bird of Britain. We have a great range of feeders, feeds and bird tables in store.

January into February is a time to get the secateurs out and start pruning. Plants such as wisteria, clematis, dogwood, roses and buddleia will all benefi t from pruning now. New bareroot roses can be planted up now too. As we head into February you can start planting summer fl owering bulbs. Take the winter months to do some planning and tidying. Time to sharpen some of the tools and get the lawnmower a service. Clean up seed trays ready for sowing.

Finedon Road Burton Latimer NN15 5QA

01536 722635

OPEN HOURS: Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm Sun: Open for browsing - 10am Tills open - 10.30am - 4.30pm

Only minutes from J10 off the A14 and midway between Kettering and Wellingborough

Elton Walled Garden Elton PE8 6SH

01832 343104

OPEN HOURS: Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm Sun: 10am - 5pm

Disabled Access All Major Credit Cards Accepted

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 Bosworth's January & February Gardens 2022Bosworth's January & February Gardens 2022