
Love is in the air

Is it possible it is July already? How the year has fl own, past the longest day already and how disappointing this summer has been - even more unpredictable than ever!

Nevertheless, whatever the weather, summertime for us at the shop is wedding time. Summer is not the only time for a wedding but it should be the perfect time; long days and, hopefully, balmy evenings and summer fl owers: Peonies, Stocks, Jasmine, Phlox, Roses,
Lavender and many more are all at their most fragrant.

As a fl orist, from the fi rst consultation to the wedding day itself, it is so important to build a good relationship with the bride (and her mother); to listen to her likes and dislikes, her favourite fl owers and colours. The bouquet which the bride will hold should set the tone for the whole celebration - stylishly formal or simply natural. I think, and not just because it is my job, fl owers are one of the most important factors of the celebration; it does not matter how stunning the venue or the marquee or church is, as soon as the fl owers are put in place, a transformation occurs.

Deciding on a budget is important; no matter how small, beautiful designs can be created. A lovely idea for the bride’s bouquet is to have maybe a small pretty brooch or locket that was once mum’s or grandma’s attached to the handle, which could be the “something old” and if that person is no longer here, it makes their memory become part of that special day. The history of the groom’s buttonhole comes from the tradition of the knight wearing his lady’s colours as a declaration of his love, nowadays it is a fl ower used in the bridal bouquet. The wedding ring, as tradition believes, is placed on the third fi nger of the left hand because … one vein runs from this fi nger straight to the heart - what a lovely thought!

After my parents , who had been married for over 60 years, had died, we found a box full of - and I’ll call them love letters to each othe r - which I still have. I just wonder how will youngsters today look back with just text, facebook and twitter?

I know which I prefer x

The Garden Room
26 High Street, Thrapston, NN14 4JH
Tel: 01832 730777
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The Garden Room

The Garden Room

The Garden Room

The Garden Room

The Garden Room