
Warmington School is a small rural school, just three miles outside Oundle, off the A605 roundabout towards Peterborough. Most of the 50 pupils currently on roll live in Warmington but there are also have children from Oundle, Peterborough, Tansor and other surrounding villages attending the school, which takes children from reception to year four.

Warmington School belongs to the Prince William Family of Schools and its feeder schools are Oundle and King’s Cliffe Middle School but many of the children go onto Stamford Junior School. All children participate in swimming lessons from Year 1 and have an hour of French every week as part of the school curriculum.

Warmington writers win again!

Years 3 and 4 did exceptionally well again in this year’s Oundle Festival of Literature, with two second prizes in the poetry and short story competition being won by Luke and Rohan; Millie and Isabelle were delighted at being highly commended for their entries. This is the eight year in a row that Warmington School has excelled in this competition which is entered by hundreds of local schoolchildren.

Community Spirit

Warmington School is situated in the middle of a picturesque village with a shop, post office, butcher’s and a pub. Warmington has a lovely community spirit. The children get involved with lots of aspects of village life, the older residents and the church. The school has a thriving PFA which gets involved with all the community through its fundraising.

Warmington School May Fair

This annual event is one that always brings the community together. On Saturday 11th
May from 2-4pm, there will be traditional Maypole dancing, crowning of the May Monarchs,
live musicians, cream teas, cake stall, raffle, plants, crafts and traditional fun and games for all the family. Do come and join in, entry is free entry.

Warmington Playgroup

There is also a playgroup on the school site with places available for 2, 3 and 4 year
olds (some funding available for 3-4 year olds.) The Playgroup runs from 9am-12noon daily during term time and from Warmington School Hall. Please call 07711 513 430 for details or
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School Lane,
Warmington, PE8 6TA
Tel: 01832 280420


Warmington School

Warmington School

Warmington School

Warmington School