
Helping you to freedom from diet failure


You are not alone! Research shows that up to 98% of people who go on diets to try to lose weight will “fail”. They may lose weight in the short-term only to regain that weight and
often put on even more. In fact, everyone can lose weight! They just need the correct
information and guidance about how to lose weight and keep it off.

Diet Rescue provides a real solution to weight problems instead of the failure that people experience when trying to follow one of the many diets that the multi-million pound slimming industry promotes - whether through clubs, books or products. People often feel that it is they who have “failed” if they fi nd it diffi cult to diet or they regain the weight afterwards. In fact, it is the slimming industry that is to blame. Many of the diet approaches are unrealistic, some unhealthy and - most importantly -they do not give people the real facts about weight loss and weight management. Diet Rescue supplies the facts about how your body works, how your mind works and how to get them to work in a way that enables you to lose weight - and keep it off. Without this knowledge weight loss is a constant battle.

Everyone is different - different metabolism, different psychological factors, different lifestyle. So, at Diet Rescue all these individual aspects are assessed and used to provide each person with an individual programme for successful, permanent weight loss. By providing you with an approach based on the latest research in nutrition and metabolism, Diet Rescue helps you to understand how your body works. This is easy and straightforward and you will soon be able to make signifi cant changes to your metabolism so that your body begins to function healthily again and to burn fat effi ciently.

There is no need to count calories, points or anything else - and you can eat normal everyday foods. Understanding how your mind might be influencing your eating patterns can be more complex but, in just a few sessions, you will be able to reset your eating habits with the help of Diet Rescue’s coaching. Eating is a behaviour that is essential for our survival but how, when, what and why we eat are influenced by many things. Many of our eating patterns are habit based and some have an emotional component.

We learn our eating habits at a very early age and often we need to update or change these habits in order to achieve a happier and more relaxed relationship with food and thereby maintain our weight.

If you would like to know more about how Diet Rescue can help you, please get in touch on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 01536 384630/0844 811 6144 for an informal chat or FREE CONSULTATION.

More details can also be found at

Diet Rescue is led by Penny Stevens, MSc, who specialises in helping people to lose weight permanently. She brings to her work a background in nutrition research and psychology. She has worked in the NHS and in private practice for over 20 years. She is passionate about ensuring that people are offered the most up-to-date and effective guidance to enable them to achieve their goals successfully. She is also a Life Coach.

A special “New Year - New You” offer is available for readers of Village Connect: 15% off for all consultations in January.


Diet Rescue

Diet Rescue