
Members of The Parent School Association of
Great Addington CE Primary School
are trying to raise funds for
a minibus to help transport
students to a playing field
to exercise, play and do sports.

The school currently has a very
small play ground, which will be reduced in
size even further due to the construction of
a government-required canteen pod in the
playground. The playground area cannot
be expanded because of site restrictions,
but there is a lovely playing field about a
mile down the road from the school. The
challenge is getting the 103 students to the
field quickly and safely on a daily basis.

The field has no toilet facilities so rapid
transportation to and from the playing field
is necessary. Walking is hazardous as the
route takes the students along an incomplete
single track pavement which is alongside a
dangerously fast rural road. Safe transport
to this venue is vital and would also prevent
valuable curriculum/recreational time from
being eaten away if the students had to walk
the distance.

The minibus would not only be used to be
able to deliver the outdoor sports curriculum
but also for the after-school and lunch clubs/
activities which take place on the field, as well
as for educational trips out. This is essential
to be able to offer the children the wider
curriculum they deserve. With no hall at the
school, students need to be transported to
other schools to use their indoor facilities
on a weekly basis. In addition, the minibus
would provide transportation to swimming, which
the school pays for over and above what is required in
order to ensure that pupils learn this lifesaving

The school currently operates
one minibus which it purchased through
fundraising. It has to hire another minibus
to be able to transport just one class to a
venue for an event; this can cost thousands
of pounds a year.

If there is any way you or your company
could provide some funding towards the
purchase of a minibus, please get in touch
on the details below. It would make a huge
and very valuable difference to the health
and well being of the children at Great
Addington CE Primary School.

Any donations need to be made payable
to Great Addington Parents’ School
Association and sent to:

Great Addington Primary School
Woodford Road, Great Addington,
Northants, NN14 4BS
Tel: 01536 330642


Minibus Appeal

Minibus Appeal