
Have you always wanted to be an author?

It’s a much more common dream than you’d
think. The problem is, the road to achieving
that dream can be long, time-consuming
and quite frankly, lonely. Writing is, usually,
done as a solitary thing, and fi nishing that
book isn’t even the end of it - you have to
sell it, promote it and then write more! It’s
a hard mountain to climb, so fi nding a few
helpful Sherpas along the way, those who
have climbed that mountain before, or are
climbing it right now, can make that journey

Nicky Peacock had a very common story
amongst would-be authors: wrote books,
got rejected, took creative wring classes,
wrote more books, got rejected... She got
tired of banging her head against the brick
wall of the literary world, so she decided to
start a writers’ group. Having like-minded
people around her helped motivate her
and she now has over forty published short
stories with 17 publishers all over the world,
and her fi rst novel, Bad Blood, is out now
through Evernight Teen Publishing.

Writing groups, especially those who meet
in an evening, are a bit few and far between
in these parts, so if you are lucky enough
to live round the Corby area, Nicky’s group,
Creative Minds Writing, meets every two
weeks to discuss work, share information
and tips and, of course, help to push one
another up that treacherous mountain.
Meetings are free to attend, however
members must be over 18.

If you would like to join Nicky and
her group, please contact her on
through the contact form or
through her own blog


Creative Minds Writing

Creative Minds Writing